Howard Passman wrote: 
> This is not a big deal and I can get around it. More of a curiosity.
> I'm using pCP on an RPI 4 running pCP 7.0.0b6 and LMS 8. I'm using it in
> my car so it has no network and is set up as an Access Point. I update
> my music files by bringing the USB thumb drive with the music files on
> it in to the house and syncing it with my home server music data base
> using FreeFileSync.
> The issue comes up when I put the thumb drive back in to the car server
> and go to scan the files in Jivelite. I get an error message that it
> needs to have LMS to run a scan. And of course it does have LMS. I can
> use my phone to go in to a web browser and run scan from there, but the
> 'settings' button om the home screen is tiny and really hard to hit on
> my phone. If I try to expand the screen the button is gone. Completely.
> If this is a pain in the....don't worry about it. I can run the scan
> from the browser on my phone when I quit shaking enough to do it. LOL
> Happy New Years,
> Howard

Use the LMS *material* skin in your phone's browser?


|Filename: rescan.jpg                                               |

*Server - LMS 8.2.0 *Pi4B 4GB/Flirc case/pCP v7.0.0 - 74K library,
playlists & LMS cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B/pCP 7.0.0b6/pi screen/Allo Boss DAC Ruark MR1 Mk2
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 6.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Garage* - Squeezebox Boom + Fostex sub
*Dining Room* - Pi3B/Bluetooth/Echo Show 8

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB Radio. 1xSB3, 6xRPi
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