apologies I've been looking for a new job and this has consumed much of
time these last months

in no particular order

@Aki7 - power-off/sleep mode of the player does not trigger any
additional functionality.  I'll look at adding a configurable sleep mode
that will sleep in lockstep with the player.  The OLED effectively won't
draw much juice if its not being written to so a sleep mode would clear
and dim the screen to 0 and decrease the polling cycle to the device

@10matteo92li - if your running a raspdac mini with an LED display this
is not supported by the monitor - check out SLIMMER as if I remember
correctly it supports LED displays.
If you have an OLED fitted then check through this thread and on the
README for a howto

If you still have problems use the --verbose switch to turn on detailed
logging and post the output here and we'll try to move things forward

@davidscrat - is the power down option I just spoke to what you're
looking for?  If not let me know your thinking

And finally, there's a new binary and codebase are available on github. 

This includes several maintenance iterations, fixes, improved stability
and further removes library dependencies - the i2c lib install is no
longer required and you'll only need i2c-tools if you don't know the i2c
address of your device - spi wouldn't need any i2c footprint.

The SA modes got a rewrite to improve the display routines, while I had
the code under the knife I added the facility to specify how the
histograms are filled, solid, hollow, stripes, checkerboard, with and
without peak indication.  Note a huge change - just additional variety.

I'm running on pCP 7.0.0 without issue.  Note that I tried installation
on the 64bit picore but had limited success in getting a usable build -
so that's a WIP

I'll get the sleep version out over the next couple of days

If you were looking for something different to what I've described let
me know and we'll see if it'll mesh

I've also been tooling around with the Deskpi-Pro case, you'll find a
new repo on github that implements an OLED and fan control in a system
daemon.  I've plans to get a DAC setup in the case too, I've a couple of
Pi Zero DAC's that fit nicely.  I'll be a squeeze, ahem, fitting the
RCA's to the rear but I guess those with a mind to would favor a
headphone implementation instead.

The case is quite nicely put together but its been a bear getting USB
boot working, just about to try and remedy that with a 2nd M.2 drive. 
Details will be provided in the new repo.

one last thing:
One of my setups has an api provided o control the amp.  I've a script
that mutes and unmutes on power cycle.  If folks would be interested in
having that facility directly through the monitor let me know.

Again apologies for being MIA

As of *12-Dec-2020* my digitized collection is (24960 hours 12 minutes)
+ (19 seconds) or


[B]TOTAL TRACKS: 160,303

With another ~2000 yet to be ripped...
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