Thanks to all that have replied. 

Regarding the use of a rpi4 instead of something hardware. I got the pi
in a nice cabinet for free. So it seemed obvious to go for that.

When I got SSH to work, things got much easier. 
I think I'm done setting up. Maybe some minor tweaking remains.

I'm sure it's far from best practice. But it works and I don't have to
do anything to keep it going.

I set the pCP to reboot every night. And in User Command #1 I have this:
rsync -av --delete /mnt/Data/ServerFolders/Data/ /mnt/Back1/Data/ and in
#2 the same, only the name of my other backupdisk. This way backup runs
every night and I can easily trigger and extra backup if needed.
I get a couple of errors from the mount and command that fails but it
doesn't seem to cause any actual problems. 

LMS and Samba runs nicely. I think I'm gonna be happy about this setup
for years to come.

BR Mogens

2 Radios (1 battery), 2 Controllers, 2 Receivers, SqueezeCommander,
OrangeSqueeze and SqueezePlayer on  Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
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