Hi, during last week I tried to install the Docker container on a
RPI4B and finally this was succesfull by using the option proposed by
BramWithaar: do not use 'latest' but use '8.1.2'. So I also must
conclude that something in 'latest' has changed. I notice that in
Portainer (whch I used to install) the size of both images is quite
different. Latest is 182,5 Mb, where '8.1.2' is 'only' 170.1 Mb. But I
have no idea if this helps to find out why 'latest' will not install.

What likely is accounting for the bigger image size is the underlying OS: for 8.3 we moved to using the latest Debian Bullseye. It could potentially be causing the other issues, too. But as it only seems to affect very few users you should probably try to figure out what about your configurations is similar/identical, but different from the majority. What OS are you using on the host?
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