Narcos wrote: 
> As I intend on running 2 RPI4’ (server+client configuration) do I have
> to give both RPI’s a seperate Static IP address? The existing Pi has
> ?

If I understand correctly, you want to run LMS (server) on both of the
RPis?  For most people, one server can be used to serve one or multiple
clients.  If you have two stereo setups I can see using two RPis, one
running LMS and squeezelite and the other just running squeezelite.

I saw the discussion about keeping the server and clients separate, but
that still would not require two LMS (servers) running.   Maybe I

I have noticed that some routers assign the same IP to a device, but to
ensure it does not change go into router settings and reserve an IP
address for each RPi’s MAC address.  I found that easier to implement
than using the static ip configuration in pCp.

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