Just don't use Google for domains!

I moved a few personal and family domains/emails accounts over this weekend and have been in utter bliss. I haven't received a single piece of Spam since the move.

I think if they actually integrated the functionality of Google Groups it'd be a perfect world.


Google Groups is a nice idea and adding us to a list on there would
be fine with me.

I'm not interested in managing two different systems. Mirroring the archive on Google Groups is better than what we have now, but not from an administration perspective.

Probably the only drawback is that the email addresses wouldn't end in uphpu.org IIRC.

I can set up an alias so that the post-to address will still be "uphpu@uphpu.org" instead of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]," although that's not that big of a deal.

You are correct though in that the from address will not have "uphpu.org" in it. Posts will come from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Why do you consider this a drawback?

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