There hasn't been much traffic on about the uP3 work since the 
conference and hopefully this is the first of many messages resolving 
that problem.

Work has been happening on converting the trunk of the uPortal project 
to use Maven 2 as the build system. This has been a complete conversion 
so much of the directory structure has been re-arranged. The work is 
complete and, with a little testing from folks on this list, ready to be 
merged from the 'working-maven' branch back into the trunk. I would 
encourage everyone to check out from the branch and give it a try. There 
is a build.xml file that at this point replicates the main Ant targets 
used by developers pre-conversion, initportal is still all you need to 
run to get everything going after setting up Please 
provide feedback, there are bound to be rough spots and missing 
developer features and hearing from developers is how they will be fixed.

One known issue: Ant 1.7 will not work, there is a nasty little bug that 
will be fixed in 1.7.1, for now use Ant 1.6

With this progress and new build system I need to get it properly 
documented and have a place for documentation as this effort moves 
forward. After looking through the wiki and chatting in IRC I have the 
following proposal. All documentation in the uPortal 3 space related to 
the uPortal 3 sandbox code would be consolidated and moved under a 
uP3-Sandbox page then the uPortal 3 space would be used for 
documentation of the goals of this effort and documentation of changes 
as they happen. I'd like to get other thoughts and suggestions as to how 
to deal with the wiki documentation as well.

The next step in the uP3 effort is consolidating the multiple Spring 
configurations in the project and replacing the inner workings of the 
static services with Spring configurations. Also related to this would 
be looking at using a Spring DispatcherServlet as the root servlet for 
uPortal, using Acegi to replace and similar tasks. 
Along side the documentation effort I'll be detailing these as sub-tasks 
of the root Spring related issue: I'll post an update when I 
get these sub-tasks details to look for some help in getting them done.


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