I agree with the idea of renaming the current uPortal 3 (UPT) space to 
Archived Portal Exploration and putting a relevant header on the space 
explaining what the documentation is for in greater detail.

Documenting the current effort in the current uPortal space is good for 
continuity but I'm not quite sure where to put the new documents and how 
to ensure people understand that this is documentation for 
in-development code. The immediate need is that I need to document the 
new Maven build management system and helper Ant tasks but I don't want 
to cause confusion for people looking for help with uPortal 2.6. Is just 
putting a {note} at the top of each page good enough for now?


Andrew Petro wrote:
> Jason,
> > I almost wonder if we move the pages into an Archive section
> > of the uPortal space, and then delete the uPortal3 space.
> -1
> I think the most confusing thing we could do would be to put these 
> pages into the uPortal space.  Confluence savvy users may understand 
> that Confluence is a tree and that since the trunk of the tree in 
> which these archived pages inhabit is "Archive" these pages don't 
> actually apply to the uPortal they're trying to work with, but many 
> users will be confused, having done a search in the uPortal space on 
> confluence, to come across pages that have little applicability.
> A separate space named "Archived portal exploration" or the like might 
> be better -- maybe the root of your objection, Jason, was to the name 
> "Sandbox" as being insufficiently expressive of something that is frozen.
> That separation of space is doing important work for clarity.  One 
> good move might be to slap a header into the theme for that space 
> making it especially clear that what is documented is archived 
> explorations into a better portal, and not necessarily uPortal 
> itself.  That way when users do naive Confluence searches and come 
> across these pages, they are more able to make sense of what they have 
> found.
>> On Sep 17, 2007, at 3:49 PM, Andrew Petro wrote:
>>> I wonder if it would be clearer to re-name the entire current 
>>> "uPortal 3" space to something like "uPortal Sandbox"
>> I think this is confusing. I think we need to make it clear that no 
>> more work is going into the codebase, and Sandbox seems ambiguous. I 
>> almost wonder if we move the pages into an Archive section of the 
>> uPortal space, and then delete the uPortal3 space.
>>> And then I wonder whether creating a new uPortal 3 wiki space is a 
>>> good idea, or if the uPortal 3 efforts should be undertaken in the 
>>> existing uPortal wiki space.  The change the project has made in its 
>>> approach to uPortal 3 is to be more evolutionary.  uPortal 3 *is* 
>>> uPortal 2, cleaned up quite a bit and with pointed improvements.  So 
>>> maybe, just as the existing code evolves to become uPortal 3, the 
>>> existing wiki space evolves to become a wiki space that documents 
>>> uPortal, inclusive of uPortal 3.
>> +1 I think they key factor in our new strategy moving forward is that 
>> the New uPortal 3 is uportal -- with a direct lineage to previous 
>> efforts. Given that shift, I don't think a separate wiki space is 
>> really appropriate -- I'd rather see a linear release progression.
>>> Likewise, I don't think it will be necessary to have an entirely new 
>>> uPortal manual, more a matter of growing and enhancing the existing 
>>> uPortal manual wiki space to document the project as it grows and is 
>>> enhanced.
>> +1 again.
>> Jason
>> --
>> Jason Shao
>> Application Developer
>> Rutgers University, Office of Instructional & Research Technology
>> v. 732-445-8726 | f. 732-445-5539 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://jay.shao.org
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