Well yes, that's all good and definitely encouraged for any maven project you are in control of.

But I also think it's worth standing up an artifact repository at your own organization and having that 'mirror' every repository. So that you actually don't go out and hit any repository directly yourself. Instead you only hit your own artifact repository, and that repository in turn will hit the internet. This is kind of the equivalent of fixing, at an organizational level the difference between a developer who has been around for a while and has a pretty full personal maven repo, and his builds work, and a new developer who has an empty personal maven repository and his build does not work.

I'm NOT suggesting this is INSTEAD of putting things into central, but more of an additional thing an organization can do to help bring new developers on board.

---- Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 11:01 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

True, dependencies in Central can have dependencies on external repos.

But that is at least discouraged:


and in some happy future might even be enforced or at least mostly
respected such that getting a dependency from Central is an indication
that it doesn't have this problem.

So, you're all right: getting the dependencies from Central doesn't
solve all problems, but the more dependencies are entirely realizable
via only-in-Central dependencies, the better.


Kind regards,


On 6/13/14, 12:54 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:
It's not just a simple matter of putting YOUR dependencies into
central and not putting repositories into YOUR pom files.  With
transitive dependencies, ESPECIALLY specific versions, this can happen
through a dependency that came in from a transitive dependency.


  I specify I want to use "Foo" version "1.1".  At the time of my
using it, it is in central, so I don't think anything more of it.

  I do not notice, but Foo version 1.1, uses "bar" 2.0.

  Bar 2.0 uses crud 3.0.

  crud 3.0 specifies a respository in it's pom.xml file to go get
"blah" version 1.2.3 from some weird repo.

  Final result, my project is now dependent on some weird repo for
version 1.2.3 of "blah".

---- Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 09:57 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:
This highlights the very real danger of adding extra repositories. It
may be more work up front to get all the deps you need into central but
it is very much worth it long term to avoid this sort of dependency hell

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Cris J Holdorph <holdo...@unicon.net
<mailto:holdo...@unicon.net>> wrote:

    This is probably not your problem, but I thought I would share some
    recent experience with maven, repositories and dependency debugging.

    I was trying to set up a local artifact repository to do mirroring
    of maven dependencies.  This is useful for dependencies that are not
    in central, that might disappear.

    Anyway, to fully test my 'mirror' I started with an empty repository
    and would try to build my projects.  I discovered a really
    interesting situation.  Take a look at these two pom files from two
    different maven repos.





    Notice how the second one is different then the first.  I suspect
    the second one must have been autogenerated.  In any case though, it
    causes a really big problem if that is where the dependency gets
    pulled down from.

    So, my overall point is, when you're starting from an empty maven
    repo, you can definitely get really weird and odd things happening.
      It can be really hard to debug.  (in the above problem, it
    'manifested' as a junit test failure about a missing class!)

    ---- Cris J H

    On 06/13/2014 09:37 AM, Drew Wills wrote:


        I'm encountering a new Maven dependency issue with echcache.  It
        to happen always (small sample size) on a machine that
doesn't have
        these artifacts cached in the local repo.

        These items do seem to be in m2 central.  I'm not sure how
Maven is
        getting the 'null:ehcache-web:jar:null' (see below) but I
        suspect it's a
        factor in the issue.



/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:635: The
        error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1437: The
        error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1372: The
        error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1315: The
        error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1318: The
        error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1375: The
        error occurred while executing this line:
        Unable to
        resolve artifact: Unable to get dependency information: Unable
        to read
        the metadata file for artifact
        'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web:__jar': Cannot
        find parent: net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web-__parent for project:
        null:ehcache-web:jar:null for project null:ehcache-web:jar:null

        from the specified remote repositories:
            central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2__),
            apache-snapshots (http://repository.apache.org/__snapshots

        Path to dependency:
              1) org.jasig.portal:uportal-war:__war:4.1.0-SNAPSHOT

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