If Windows were girlfriends...

I used to hate Windows, back before 1995. I swore I'd never have anything to do 
with her, always pretending to be pretty, but it was just a mask over top of 
that ugly DOS. Windows 2000... nuther MEH! BORING! 

XP! Now there was an improvement! I actually LIKED XP for a lot of reasons. 
Until the "compromising" of MD5 encryption. I could never share anything 
intimate with her again. Never mention ME in my presence. EVER! I swear I never 
touched her! 

Then there was Windows 7. Ahhhh, seven. The Hebrew number for Completeness! How 
good and sweet that relationship was! I thought it would never end. I was a 
changed man. I could love again! 

Then one day Daddy Microsoft busted the door down, took her by the hand, hauled 
her out the door and told me I would never see her again. Her ugly younger 
sister, Vista stayed behind to comfort me. That turned out badly. I stopped 
answering her text messages. She changed her name to Windows 8 thinking I 
wouldn't notice. Yeah... no. 

Now I'm with Windows 10. Not what I would have asked for, but it's all that's 
left to me now. Weighs too much, moves too slow, looks bland, Very few curves, 
and is always making me work harder to get what I want from her. Keeps second 
guessing me, asking me if I really want to do what I just told her I wanted to 
do. Then asks again just to be sure. Sometimes doesn't do it anyway. Claims it 
would be "dangerous" and "damaging". <sigh> 

I will always pine for my Windows 7. I could click her start button and get her 
going right away! And I would get exactly what I expected to get. Now, I have 
to search for what I want, and most of the time it's suggested I go elsewhere, 
like the internet to get it. 

Bob S

> On Oct 4, 2019, at 01:34 , Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> I like having and using both almost daily, as long as I'm developing for 
> both. And developing for both is specifically how I ended up right here! :)
> Best wishes,
> Curry Kenworthy
> Custom Software Development
> "Better Methods, Better Results"
> LiveCode Training and Consulting

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