I don't "cope"; I make sure that all my buttons are NOT buttons at all:

I set up a button the way I want it on whatever OS I happen to be using at that moment and import a snapshot of the thing, then delete the button and use the image:
this guarantees buttons look the same wherever they are.

Text fields . . . ouch . . . big problem there.

On 6.10.19 18:48, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:
On 10/4/19 10:50 AM, Jjs via use-livecode wrote:
How do you people cope with the differences on fields and knobs having text in it on the different OS-es? If i only build on windows even for Linux and Macos, text and such never fits in the fields.And i have to adjust it and maintain a stack for each OS.

It has been ever thus. The IDE itself is bad in this aspect. I try to deal with this by determining which will require the most space and work backwards from that.

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