I'm thankful every time I use Matthias' tool, it saves so much agony. You don't need to do all the manual stuff outlined in the lesson, just download his stack from the link near the top. Then scroll past the manual instructions in the lesson to learn how to fill in the stack info.

Virtual hugs to Matthias.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
On June 16, 2023 10:26:22 AM William Prothero via use-livecode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

Matthias' document on code-signing is very detailed. I should have used it from the start.

Please ignore my previous post.

William A. Prothero, PhD
Prof Emeritus, Dept of Earth Science
University of California, Santa Barbara

On Jun 16, 2023, at 8:01 AM, William Prothero <proth...@earthlearningsolutions.org> wrote:

Re testing,
I'm curious why it's necessary to code-sign an ios app that I am only testing on my personal iphone. The probable answer, I suspect, is that testing on the iphone is meant for the "preliminary to release" phase, not necessarily code debugging?

I also note, that on the iphone simulator in xcode, that my mysql databases, hosted on a remote server, aren't accessed. Is there a permission or other setting I need to configure?

Hmm, a thought.. Do I have to actually create and save the app bundle before trying to load it on the iphone? The indication from the test simulator, when the iphone is selected as the destination, is that it is recompiling, then loading, then checking security, and either gives an error message or loads successfully. My procedure has been to just set only ios parameters in the app settings (leaving the MacOS settings off), then clicking the testing button that loads the app directly to my iphone. I get the failure message about security problems at that point. I have been assuming that if I have set up the provisioning profile and bundle id correctly, it will load.

I also have seen, in the past, that cleaning old provisioning files from various system files helps. I'm also not clear how xcode fits into the process.

I see that Matthias' app first requires that the "app bundle"(which I assume is the compiled app, created and saved on my computer) be dragged into the app at the start. I would then need to successfully notarize it there. I would expect it would then successfully transfer to the iphone in testing mode? I'm just checking that my assumptions about the process are correct, so please let me know if I'm wrong.

Sorry for the stupid questions, but my brain is fried after spending 2 days trying to get this app on my iphone. I guess I'll have to do a better job of reading the directions.

In my fantasy world, there would be, built into livecode, (or xcode), some feedback on the specific issue when code-signing fails. Like: security certificate?, provisioning?, bundle?. That way I could focus on the specific issue. Hopefully, Matthias' stack will help.


William A. Prothero, PhD
Prof Emeritus, Dept of Earth Science
University of California, Santa Barbara

On Jun 16, 2023, at 6:38 AM, panagiotis m via use-livecode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

Hello Bill,

I would recommend Matthias' excellent lesson and utility stack here:


This is not only for signing but also for notarizing the Mac app, but if
you need to sign the app chances are you'll need to notarize it as well :)


On Fri, 16 Jun 2023 at 04:28, William Prothero via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

I’m having a hassle with code-signing.
I found Trevor’s code-signing app to be helpful in the past.
Is there a version that works with Livecode 9.6.9 with xCode 14.2?

I really need it.

Bill Prothero

William Prothero, Ph.D.
UCSB Professor Emeritus

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