
IMHO that is not a tablet but a laptop. The line between laptop and tablet
is so thin these days that I begun to use another criteria to distinguish
between them than the presence of a physical keyboard. Most if not all
tablets in the market can pair with keyboards so in the end it makes little
sense to distinguish between an EEE PC PAD PRIME (horrible name) and a
MacBook Air. Even in terms of processing power both things are merging.
Heck a quad core processor inside a tablet!!! My own macbook pro has a dual

I tend to classify machines these days in two categories: my machine and
their machine.

my machine is the hardware that once I buy, I can install whatever I want
from whatever source I want. So both my macbook pro and my Google Nexus S
are under this category.

their machine is the hardware that I can't install whatever I want from
whatever source I want and currently this mean iPhone and iPad and if the
doomsday predictions come true, will soon include the mac.

This machine you sent looks really good. I think we should pay attention to
the resolution: 1280x800, that is larger than the iPad. LiveCode needs an
easier way to handle the inifite amount of resolutions we face these days.
Scripting resizeStack is a good exercise but we really should aim to some
form of resolution independence here. Mobile apps tend to use more images
as decoration than desktop apps, with all those different resolutions, you
need to carry a lot of images of different sizes in your app or loose time
resizing them at runtime. Asus Eee Prime Pad is just one among the
different Android Tablets our there, each running a different resolution
and screwing my resizes.


On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Chipp Walters <> wrote:

> Richard,
> I think you already have V1 of these.
> --
> Chipp Walters
> CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
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