
Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 2:12:54 PM, you wrote:

> Andre, I think doomsday has already come.  At work, we configure laptops
> for our users. We often use opensource Live CDs to boot the machine  for
> whatever reasons like looking at the partition table, or just to see how
> the latest Ubuntu or Debian or RedHat distro performs on the latest and
> greatest Apple has to offer.  Well, we tried booting from every Linux we
> had a Live CD or DVD of, and NONE OF THEM would boot on the newest i7
> MacBook Pro. We tried 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and could never go past
> an error that seemed to point to the hard-drive controller.  I don't have
> the exact error at this moment, but it sure seemed like some kind of
> secure-boot mechanism was behind it all.  So, we installed Windows in a VM
> and gave it to the user.

Sounds like UEFI. Apple has shipped logic boards with UEFI for years,
but it's never been enabled before.

-Mark Wieder

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