On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Chipp,
> I tend to classify machines these days in two categories: my machine and
> their machine.
> my machine is the hardware that once I buy, I can install whatever I want
> from whatever source I want. So both my macbook pro and my Google Nexus S
> are under this category.
> their machine is the hardware that I can't install whatever I want from
> whatever source I want and currently this mean iPhone and iPad and if the
> doomsday predictions come true, will soon include the mac.
> --
> http://www.andregarzia.com -- All We Do Is Code.
> http://fon.nu -- minimalist url shortening service.

Andre, I think doomsday has already come.  At work, we configure laptops
for our users. We often use opensource Live CDs to boot the machine  for
whatever reasons like looking at the partition table, or just to see how
the latest Ubuntu or Debian or RedHat distro performs on the latest and
greatest Apple has to offer.  Well, we tried booting from every Linux we
had a Live CD or DVD of, and NONE OF THEM would boot on the newest i7
MacBook Pro. We tried 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and could never go past
an error that seemed to point to the hard-drive controller.  I don't have
the exact error at this moment, but it sure seemed like some kind of
secure-boot mechanism was behind it all.  So, we installed Windows in a VM
and gave it to the user.

I'm with you on "what's mine" concept Andre.  If I buy it with MY money, I
should have the right to install any OS that I please.

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