
Thanks again. I've been studying the issue of self-publishing from our web site, but have yet to determine a clear, simple process that I can offer any customer for installing an Android app. Seems every method has a step or two that could confuse some significant percentage of Android device users. Do you know how best to proceed with this?


On 6/2/2012 6:54 PM, Andrew Henshaw wrote:
Yes, free and paid versions are treated as separate apps in all the stores ive 
used, including both Apple and Android.  However it doesn't take very long as 
most of the time is taken preparing descriptions,  screen shots etc. which can 
be mostly the same for both versions of the app.

The actual time taken to complete the application process on any of the stores 
is usually very short,  its the review period that takes the time.

In my experience,  Googles Play store doesnt have a review period so its 
instant,  Amazon seem to take 2-3 days (ive read it can take longer but 2-3 
days is my experience) while Apple take almost exactly a week for iOS apps.

You can of course distribute an Android app without a store at all if it helps.


On 2 Jun 2012, at 23:16, Richard Miller wrote:

Thanks, Andy, for that useful information.

To post both a free and a paid version of an app at Google, does one need to 
repeat the entire application process twice?

On 6/2/2012 4:41 PM, Andrew Henshaw wrote:
I have an app in both the Google Play and Amazon stores,  and find Google is 
the much better option for me.

With the Amazon system you have to submit every update for review and then 
wait.  If you want to withdraw a product from sale you have to write to them.  
With the Google system you can simply upload a new apk,  activate it and its 
good to go.  You can also remove it from sale,  change the price etc etc.  Also 
sales wise,  for me the Google store sells in a 6/1 ratio compared to the 
Amazon store.

A couple of things to watch are, as mentioned beforeand unlike the Apple store, 
 you cannot switch a product from free to paid,  and the manifest is used to 
work out the devices the app will run on and this will include Android tablets 
bey default so make sure you app resizes to all the different Android 
resolutions or wait for the negative reviews to roll in.

As far as protection on Android goes,  I dont think ive seen an app that has 
not been cracked and is not available for download through a torrent site.   My 
apps rely on quite a lot of interaction with a web feed,  so I can simply 
change the location of the feed between releases which renders any cracked 
copies useless.  Its not ideal,  but the best I can do with my abilities at the 


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