On 2/13/14, 5:51 AM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
I was wondering the same thing. How in the world does one program
without the debugger?

Jaw dropped.
I graciously insert put commands when something isn't working as
expected, then fix the problem and remove the puts again.

That's what we had to do in HyperCard 1.0. I was very happy when HC introduced its first debugger so that I didn't need to alter the script itself just to see what is going on. Debugging on mobile without a built-in debugger reminds me of those old times and I don't like it.

One thing I do all the time is to step through a new handler to see what it is doing. When I can see the values of the variables, I know what to expect. Usually I can tell when the next executable line will error and to avoid having to dismiss an error dialog and start over, I just change the value in the variable watcher to something that will work so that I can continue to step through and see what other problems might exist. When I'm done with that, I fix the handler so that the variable will be correct to begin with. That's really handy.

Sometimes handlers don't error but they also don't produce the results I expect. I just set a breakpoint and look at the values. The reason for the failure is usually quickly apparent.

I think I spend more time in the debugger than anywhere else. It speeds up development and there is also no risk of leaving stray "put"s in the scripts.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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