On 7/27/2014, 1:31 PM, Peter M. Brigham wrote:
On the Mac these days the plugins folder is within the LiveCode app
package (LiveCode xxx.app/Contents/Tools/Plugins/). On Windows the
plugins folder should be visible with no hassle.

That folder is meant only for the plugins that ship with LiveCode, and if you put custom ones in there they will no longer be found when you update to a new version.

The preferred location for user plugins is in a folder named Plugins, inside a folder you specify in Preferences in the Files and Memory pane. You'll need to create that folder if this is the first plugin you've installed.

I've put my plugins folder into Dropbox and pointed all my copies of LiveCode to it so that no matter what machine I'm on or what version of LiveCode I'm running, they all use the same plugin set. It should be inside an enclosing folder that will/can also hold other LiveCode resource folders. The path to my LiveCode extensions folder is:

Dropbox/Application Support/Livecode/Plugins/

I manually created all the containing folders.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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