Geoff Canyon wrote:

It's been a long time since I saw anything on the syntax extension
functionality, but my recollection was that it was supposed to be the
all-singing, all-dancing wonder of the universe -- meaning that if I wanted
to use a C-like dot-notation (I don't, usually) that would be easy to
build. And that basically I'd be able to write that up as a language
module, and then share it with other dot-notation fans, who could just drop
it in place and go to work. All of which makes me think that if I want to
implement a grandchildControlIDs property (I don't), I'll be able to.

I've seen many posts here expressing excitement for the prospect of using LiveCode to invent entirely new languages, and while that may be possible with Open Language I don't believe that's OL's purpose.

The main goal of OL is two-fold: to provide OS API access, and to allow custom components (libraries, widgets, etc.) to be integrated as smoothly in usage as engine-native routines and objects.

Both of these serve an even bigger goal, one quite selfish of the RunRev team but which happens to benefit all of us along the way:

Right now most of what they do has to be done in C++, while most of what we do we get to do in LiveCode. Once OL is available, the core dev team gets to spend more time doing development in LiveCode itself, meaning that the stuff they need to do gets into our hands faster, and along the way there's a wide world of new things we can do as well.

Is there a more-recent-and-detailed spec that confirms or denies this? I'm
(non)patiently awaiting the ability to create inline if statements, default
parameter values, and multiple assignments.

I've been pestering Ben and Kevin to provide more materials, and indeed they're working on it as they prep an early preview build for release within a few weeks.

In the meantime, the best info on this new set of initiatives is in the video Kevin posted to the blog a few weeks ago:

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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