ha!   I meant new Jersey cows.

We retired all our crazy Holsteins to our 200 acres of guinea grass across the river. I say "crazy' because "Deepti" was indeed a little wild... quite ready to chase you in a little Ranger and 2,000 pounds of white bovine rushing at you because she thinks you have a bucket of alfalfa cubes can be very scary...

Whereas these new Jersey's are gentle as lambs. Years ago we had one Jersey that was so gentle that I could take a nap in the field with my head on her neck (she was also laying down) and when i would sing to her, her ears would perk up and tears would roll out of her eyes. I'm not kidding.

OK enough of this natural world stuff!
Back to $TZ manipulations!

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

Mark Wieder wrote:
>  Tomorrow we will decorate and worship our lovely New Jersey cows.

OK - I have to say that sequence of words totally blindsided me.
Did not see that coming.
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