Does it work if you use specialFolderPath("resources") instead of "engine"? Apple changed the rules for bundle structure and LC tries to redirect older paths to the resources folder, but maybe that's not working in this case.

On February 11, 2016 11:20:52 AM Devin Asay <> wrote:.

I ran a check on open card: answer there is a file tFilePath # where tFilePath contains the full path to the file I’m trying to play. The file path is based on specialFolderPath(“engine”)
This check returns “true”.

I verified that the asset files are being copied to the app bundle.

It still plays fine on the simulator and on an Android device.

Has anything changed in terms of what kinds of files can be played on iOS devices?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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