@ Bob:

Right: not meant to criticize, but hopefully constructive observation about a 
specific issue… that's how we evolve, right?

 "just sayin"  that to the eyes of the user  (as Quentin said) a widget is a 
visual object/control on screen, like any other, the expectation that they can 

on mousedown; grab me; end mousedown

will be very high. 

So this is a "gotcha" for newbies -- and I don't mean "kids" but experienced 
graphic designers who work all day in a visual environment: (a target market 
that IMHO opinion could be huge were LC ramp up on the visual side)  and now, 
in the new IDE(s), like HYPE from Tumult (just installed yesterday.. amazing…)

… Solutions could be simple as adding to the dictionary a disclaimer "SVG 
objects are drawn arithmetically; as such they do not behave like a block of 
rasterized pixels. In order to drag an SVG widget you need to group it first 
and then add the grab me to the group."  Or like Mike said  "fix it" 

Some things are fundamental in the UI/UX and dragging objects *any* object is 
one of them, and has been from the day we mouse down on an icon on the desktop 
and dragged it into the trash.

Just my two rain drops from Kauai where a storm is moving in, could be as much 
as 10 inches in 10 hours tonite. Yikes!

On 2/28/17, 5:32 AM, "use-livecode on behalf of Bob Sneidar via use-livecode" 
<use-livecode-boun...@lists.runrev.com on behalf of 
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

    oh contraire. Not all images are the same. Support for each kind of image 
has to be implemented. If the industry developed a new kind of image, LC would 
be faced with incorporating that format. 
    Bob S

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