Hello Everyone,

Updated stack and more complete results - let me know if you get something very different on your machine.

I've added two additional LC benchmark test variations to the "showdown" test stack. That gives it empty loop (with i) and math-intensive options in the "root loops" button. I felt those were needed to round out the tests and cover more areas.

(It has only 3 buttons, but each button has right-click and shift-click variations on the general test, explained in tooltips. Total of 12 benchmarks.)


Also the result times (in ms) are now saved to a global variable with descriptive keys. I used that to crank out a comprehensive report of the benchmark results on both Mac and Windows:



As you can see, in many areas LiveCode is significantly slower (1.6x, 1.8x, 2x, 3x, 4x) than it was 2 years ago.

Mac and Windows is a bit different, at least on my machines. Windows was hit worse on loops, Mac slowed down more on arrays. But the overall pattern is similar; except for some text operations, LC has become noticeably slower than it was before.

For those of us who have serious and substantial code - big problem! Understandable during the LC 7 refactoring, but now it's hopefully time to start tightening things up again.

(And no, I certainly don't consider performance a "use-case" for converting any serious blocks of code to JS or other languages! I can write JS well enough as you see, but if I wanted to write all my important code in JS, I would be there, not here. I take LC coding very seriously, maintain and produce a lot of extremely high-quality LCS code, and I consider LC a serious platform for coding. I want my important code, my serious code, right here in LCS. And I want to see LC gain popularity among coders. Trust me, performance is your friend and good things follow it, so any attention to performance should pay for itself.)

Anyway, I hope this info and effort helps the cause and helps LC! There are probably a number of important areas I missed, but it is a rather extensive benchmark already and does touch on a variety of the basics. That's all the tests I have time to design at the moment, must get back to other code, but this stack will make it fairly easy to add more tests in future and evaluate new versions on current tests. I hope to follow up with a satisfying performance "smackdown" where a new LC 9 or 10 mops the floor with the competition! :)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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