...trying to figure out more than one (well... two) way of how one can make Revolution read a constant data stream coming via sockets, "never ending" log files, GPSes or any other real time monitoring system. Application has to display the changing status of these readings and in the same time have the user interface with all the buttons and menus completely responsive to user actions.

So far the only way I can imagine is creating 2 separate applications - app_1 reading the monitoring data constantly and displaying it, app_2 controlling the first via shared file, socket or a database. The shared resource has to be scanned repeatedly by the app_1 for the control commands. However the problems with this approach are: 1) data flow reading process has to be interrupted to scan for control parameters and therefore readings are incomplete. Otherwise if I specify " read from ... until end " app_1 will turn into something user losses the control over, because there is no "end". In this case the only remaining control is to switch the app_1 off by killing its process; 2) application GUI has to be split into 2 separate windows, I would prefer having both app_1 and app_2 in a single window.

Are the other ways to handle this in Revolution without having to write an external handler in C++?

Best regards

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