I did not received any e-mail from my server about this question. That could be due to the incident, then I dare to post it again.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help.

Meanwhile, I just noticed on the Archives site that Josh Mellicker answered. Sorry Josh, I did not received your post. I thank you a lot. As you suggested, I just tried "altEmailHarness.rev" With it, I got e-mail where each fields are filled in, but, infortunately, all accented characters are suppressed :-((
So it seems working only for English language.
Furthermore, it seems that BCC is not working. When I put my address in BCC only, I do not receive the message.

I need to compose e-mail with addresses in BCC. revMail does not allow that. Thanks to a previous answer from Sarah Reicheit (subject was "revMail and BCC) I am now trying to use the mailto protocol in a launch URL command. (launch URL is now recommanded in 2.9.0 instead of revgourl which still works but which is deprecated).

In order to fill in the three fields of an e-mail (BCC, Subject and Body), I have been struggling with (&s, &"&"&, ? etc.)
After hours of trials and errors I succeeded (partly) :

 I have three variables :
 tWho : contains the list of addresses to be put in the BCC field;
tSubject : contains the subject of the e-mail
tBody : contains the text of the e-mail

Then the following is working
put "launch URL" && quote & "mailto:?BCC="; & tWho & "&" & "Subject=" & tSubject & "&" & "Body=" & tBody & quote into tCommand
do tCommand

BUT this is working only if tSubject and tBody do not include any special characters (including CR; so that tBpdy can't have more than one line).

Now my problem is with URLencode
I tried  to URLencode tSubject and tBody
Unfortunately, that does not works :
With one line only in tSubject as well as in tBody (and no special characters), if I URLencode them, I get an e-mail but with the
URLencoded text !
For example I get : "Our+next+meeting+in+Paris" :-((

And furthermore, if tSubject include at leat one accented character then no e-mail shows up if tBody includes at least one accented character, or several lines, then the Body of the e-mail is empty

So, the only case where I get a complete e-mail is when the texts of tSubject and tBody have only one line each, include not any special character and are not URLencoded.

Seems I am missing something about URLencode?

Any help would be very much appreciated

Best regards from Grenoble
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