I just noticed that 4 answers I posted to Ken Ray, Shao Sean and Klaus Major, do not appear in the Archives. So I supposed they have'nt been received :-((( For me here, they have been send normally; (I did not receive any daemon message). I am really sorry for that.

So, instead of resending them one by one, I put together this 4 answers hereafter (from the more recent to the least one) hoping this time that will be received!

Thanks a lot to Josh, Ken, Sean and Klaus who paid attention to my problem and helped me to solve it

Best regards from Grenoble

De : André Bisseret<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date : 4 juin 2008 15:16:26 HAEC
À : How to use Revolution <use-revolution@lists.runrev.com>
Objet : Rép : launch URL to get an e-mail with BCC, Subject and Body (was revMail and BCC)

Le 4 juin 08 à 11:30, Klaus Major a écrit :

Bonjour Andre,

Thank you Josh for this suggestion. I am using Mail included in Leopard on Mac. Seems that it has not this limitation.
I just tried to add my address in "To".
Unfortunately, I get the same result as for the "subject" and "body" fields : only texts without any special characters (including cr) are allowed (without URLencode ; with URLEncode, I get the texts but in their encoded form).

This is how Rev (revMail) deals with this problem:
on revMail pTo, pCC, pSubject, pBody
put uniDecode(uniEncode(pSubject), "UTF8") into pSubject
put uniDecode(uniEncode(pBody), "UTF8") into pBody
put urlEncode(pSubject) into pSubject
put urlEncode(pBody) into pBody
replace "+" with "%20" in pSubject
replace "+" with "%20" in pBody

Maybe this will inspire you a bit ;-)

Note: this fails completely on Windows, see Bug nr. 6432.

Viele, viele Dank Klaus,
You are great ;-)) Thanks to you, my handler is working perfectly now.

Hereafter is the solution :
--- I have 2 fields : one including the list of addresses separated by "," the other where the body of the message is to be written

local tSubject,tWho,tBody,tCommand,
ON mouseUp
   ask "What is the subject ?"
   IF the result is "cancel" THEN exit mouseUp
   put it into tSubject
   put tSubject
   put fld "TheText" into tBody
   put fld "addresses" into tWho
   put cr & tWho after msg
  -- -- hereafter the lines I added thanks to your suggestion:
   put unidecode(uniencode(tSubject), "UTF8") into tSubject
   put unidecode(uniencode(tBody), "UTF8") into tBody
  -- -- before I had tried the two following lines only
   put urlencode(tSubject) into tSubject
   put urlencode(tBody) into tBody
   replace "+" WITH "%20" in tSubject
   replace "+" WITH "%20" in tBody
   put cr & tBody after msg
put "launch URL" && quote & "mailto:?BCC="; & tWho & "&" & "Subject=" & tSubject & "&" & "Body=" & tBody & quote into tCommand
   do tCommand
END mouseUp
N.B. : as for revMail, since 2.9.0 it is not necessary any more to use uniDecode etc ..

Merci infiniment !

Ich bin jetzt ruhiger (hope it is a right expression ;-))

Le 4 juin 08 à 11:30, Klaus Major a écrit :

Bonjour Andre,


replace "+" with "%20" in pSubject
replace "+" with "%20" in pBody

Guten tag Klaus,

Maybe this will inspire you a bit ;-)

I had to abandon "revMail" (unfortunately) because that does not allow "BCC".

But, sure, this give me ideas to try to adapt this to "launch URL"
Specially "replace "+" with "%20" could works for me (currently, when urlEncoding I got + instead of space).

Thanks a lot ; at least, I have something to try ;-))

best regards from Grenoble
4/06/08         ANSWER TO SEAN

Le 3 juin 08 à 22:53, Shao Sean a écrit :

I'll chime in now...

Andre, do you have to use an external email client? If not, you can use one of the Rev-based solutions (myself and Sarah have both written SMTP libraries).. "altEmailHarness" uses my SMTP library it does not make use of the Email Encoding library which converts Unicode text into ASCII based encoding for transmission through SMTP servers..

Hi Sean,
I thank you much for this answer.
I think I am not constrained to use an external email client.
Several days ago, I visited your site, I downloaded "Media browser 006" but, then, I did know what to do with it ; I am surely missing something easy ; I am not knowledgeable about parts of Rev (libraries for example) :-(

Is Media browser 006 the right tool I should use to get this "Email Encoding library" ?
Sorry to bother you with my misunderstanding

Best regards from Grenoble
- Outlook and Outlook Express require a space or a semicolon for CCs or BCCs if there aren't any (i.e. AFAIK you need to include them in the URL

Thank you very much Ken for your answer.

Just curious - what email client are you trying to launch?

I am using Mail on Mac (Intel) with Leopard (10.5.3).

(FYI, I have been using a modified version of revGoURL instead of 'launch' due to legacy reasons, and so I don't know if there's any "gotchas" with
using launch for sending emails.)

in my line :
put "launch URL" && quote & "mailto:?BCC="; & tWho & "&" & "Subject=" & tSubject & "&" & "Body=" & tBody & quote into tCommande I can replace launch URL with revGoURL, I get the same result ; the two are equivalent.

I have no problem with the addresses
Actually, I get e-mails with the different fields (BCC, subject, body filled in as expected, but, provided that the texts for this two fields do not include any special characters ; this include the carriage returns, so that even without any accented characters, the body can include only one line :-((

I don't know any more what I could try!

Anyway, thanks again and best regards from Grenoble

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