
Well, to be fair, I think that:

a) The £1000.00 was just to make me "go away" - which succeeded quite nicely!


b) The £1000.00 was to actually do the work, (which, incidentally, had the same effect as point a!). I reckon it wouldn't take more than an hour or two. In fact if I had the code then I'd be willing to bet it wouldn't take me more than 30 mins to add the code and test it.

However, according to the recent mails from Heather (nothing was said at the time) they thought it would take longer but I really can't see it, however, if it would take longer then I thought, I expected some technical reasons why it would take that much effort, e.g. some justification as to the cost.

I get asked for quotes for work all the time, whether it be in monetary terns or how long it will take to do something. If I were to just say it will cost £1000.00 or take one week without justifying why, I don't think I'd get much work.

All the Best

On 27 Jan 2009, at 22:11, Chipp Walters wrote:

OK, I'm sorry. I missed the part where you are saying RunRev tried to charge you $1,414.00 for 15 minutes of consulting. If that is the case, then shame
on RunRev. If not, then shame on you for suggesting such.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Dave <d...@looktowindward.com> wrote:

On 27 Jan 2009, at 21:53, Chipp Walters wrote:

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Dave <d...@looktowindward.com> wrote:

If you were to buy £1000 of consultancy or software from a company and
a few months later went back to the company for 15 mins advice and they
it would cost £1000, would you go back to that company?

This is done all the time in various law firms and investment agencies around our country. It's actually HOW many make their money-- they charge
for their time. If 15 minutes of investment consulting made me more
than £1000 then I would keep going back. Folks routinely pay lawyers huge
hourly rates for advice which save them possibly much much more.

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