Yes, but as the originator of this thread, what I'm after is drawing a curve from within a Rev-based standalone based on data which the program is handling, either generated by the program or input by the user, and then let the user print it out at full resolution. I would not want to licence Flash to get this functionality. It does seem a perfectly reasonable idea - even a simplified system which restricts the kind of curves you can draw would be better than nothing. I had assumed that Rev had the ability to draw vector-based curves via script but I couldn't find out how to do it, therefore I started this thread. I didn't expect the answer to be "you can't".

Incidentally, what is the graphic style 'curve' actually for? I can't work out from the docs what visible properties it bestows on the graphic.


On Sun, 01 Feb 2009 20:17:25 -0800, Richard Gaskin < > wrote:

Andrew Meit wrote:
For over 20 years I have been waiting and wanting an xtalk supporting
PS like graphics objects.

Why must it be an xTalk specifically?

I wouldn't write an OS in an xTalk, and for graphic-intensive work I'd
be quick to consider Flex:

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