François Chaplais wrote:

I agree with Andre. To the average web user, what is displayed is pretty awful, and, even to a person with little rev experience such as me, the actual rev script is shorter and simpler to understand than to web output. This is not meant to be aggressive towards Phil, but I hope the engineers at the mothership will come up with some examples more convincing than that. Hey, 499 bucks is the price of a juicy Enterprise edition!
Really, there must be a way to make this good looking, no?

I'm sure there are many, but Phil doesn't work for RunRev; he's up to his armpits in projects of his own (and some very interesting ones at that).

What he's provided is a useful example of the ease of working with the engine on the server, and for the intended audience (himself and whomever cares to check it out on this list) it does its job well.

Those who do work for RunRev are no doubt cooking up some really nice examples, but I'd imagine they've been so busy putting together the underlying technology that they just haven't yet had a spare person to sit down and focus on making examples.

I suspect we'll see some very nice examples soon enough....

 Richard Gaskin
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