Message: 5
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 18:05:53 -0700
From: Richard Gaskin <>
Subject: Re: Any thoughts on speed limitations of Revlet?
To: How to use Revolution <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

James Hurley wrote:
Before I begin to dream about the potential of Revlet, I would like to
have some idea about the potential, particularly the speed in running

I haven't tested graphics operations, and would be interested to hear of
any differences from those.  But FWIW, I ran RevBench in both the
browser and the IDE and could discern no significant differences in

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Revolution training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 11:21:06 +1000
From: Sarah Reichelt <>
Subject: Re: Any thoughts on speed limitations of Revlet?
To: How to use Revolution <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


I built your image moving stack and uploaded it to
It seems to work at full speed, so it isn't the mouseMove itself, but
the amount of processing that has to happen on every mouseMove.
I tried several options: locking the screen, only drawing the lines if
the torch has moved more than a certain number of pixels, limiting the
number of redraws per second, flushing events. I even tried replacing
the torch image with a button in case redrawing the image was too
I think I made it a bit better, but it's still not great, but you can
try it again at the same address.

As regards the odd URL, in the standalone settings, I recommend
entering a name for the revlet with no spaces or other odd characters.
When you build the revlet, you get 2 files: the revlet file and a
test.html file. Rename the test.html file if you want and then upload
them both into the same folder of your on-rev site. Then the web
address will be:
(filling in the blanks as appropriate).


Sarah and Richard,

I have uploaded an old stack of mine which is both calculational and graphic-display intensive, my old Nine Ball simulation:

go url "";

As I suspected from both Richard's and Sarah's findings that the calculational parts (calculating the positions and velocities of all the balls and determining the new positions and velocities after collisions) run very well in Safari. But the motion of the balls is very stuttered. It runs at full speed, that is it takes the same time to execute one "shot" but the motion of the balls is herky-jerky.

I am puzzled, Sarah, when you say that the mouseMove stack works at full speed and then you say that it is not great. (And you speak of the torch. Did you mean the winter scene of my barn?) Maybe you mean it runs at full speed but is bumpy? Did you find the torch image breaking up into two pieces as you dragged it?

I also tried "grab me" but with the  same bumpy results.

This is something that I hope can be remedied. After all, this is just alpha. We have the whole greek alphabet to go.

Sarah, thanks for the info on getting an app on the web. I'll work on it.


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