It is amazing to see a stack, even a simple one, working in a web page (or maybe I am too easily impressed). I had been working on a simple app to collect patent family information from a list of patents. It uses Simple Open Access Protocol (SOAP) to query a European Patent Office server which then returns a list of patents or applications that are related to a patent in some way (i.e., a patent "family"). I have been calling it Family-izer.

Since Family-izer is a simple stack (a field for the patent numbers, a field for the returned patent families, and a couple of buttons), I decided to see how it would work using the webRev plugin. I was not sure if there would be issues with this internet query and response system, but it works GREAT! To see it in action, go to http://

So far it works f ine in Safari and Firefox on the Mac (it does not work with Sea Monkey), and with Firefox on a Windows XP laptop. I apparently could not get the plugin to install properly for Internet Explorer on the Win XP laptop. Even though there were no error messages during the installation, Internet Explorer keeps showing the "you need to download the plugin" message. Rebooting after the installation did not help. If anyone has encountered this and found a way around it, please let me know. I do not have admin privileges on the Win XP laptop, so I am wondering if that is the problem. However, that did not prevent Firefox from working.


Bruce Pokras
Blazing Dawn Software
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