> Yes - thanks. Any links / references would be useful. My main nightmare
> would be to pitch this and get the client to print loads of DVD's which
> would not play in some consumer DVD players.

As long as a DVD has a properly authored formatted VIDEO_TS folder it will play 
on most any DVD player. You can put whatever else you want on the DVD - 
software, PDFs, whatever.

There are startup problems with computers as mentioned, where DVD players will 
auto-launch, making for a bad customer experience when putting a DVD into 
computers, which is why many companies don't pursue this, and most consumers 
don't put enhanced DVDs in their computers. A DVD goes in a DVD player, a 
DVD-ROM goes in a computer.

My personal opinion is that doing anything with a physical DVD in 2010 is kind 
of like starting a horse buggy company in 1900. Before too long, a physical DVD 
will seem as quaint as an audio CD is 
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