rand valentine wrote:
> I've got a question about implementing anything on an iDevice
> -- say I write a cute little program using RevMobile, and just
> want to run it on my own iPad (which I do not presently own :-))
> -- is this not possible -- surely the only way to get anything
> on your iPad isn't through the Apple Store? How does this work?
> You see, while I'd love to get rich writing nifty iDevice apps,
> I am primarily a researcher, and Rev's boon to my existence has
> always been its capacity to allow me to rapidly develop killer
> apps for research that I use and share with a few friends who
> do similar research. But I'm thinking now that perhaps I was
> misguided in thinking this way about iDevices PRIOR to Apple's
> C-change.

An iPad may not be the right device for research. Even if you can run Rev-based apps there (and we'll have to see how that sorts out in the coming weeks), you probably won't be able to write scripts there - for that you'll need a computer.

Also, Apple forbids you from running the R stats language, Matlab, or any of the other popular scripting languages commonly used in research.

FWIW, I picked up a netbook a few months ago and have been very happy with it. It weighs only slightly more than an iPad, cost about $200 less, has a physical keyboard, the screen is self-supported so I don't need to hold it with one hand while typing with the other, it folds up nicely so I can stuff it in my shoulder bag without worrying about screen damage, and best of all it comes bundled with an entire computer. :)

I can run anything I want on it: I'm learning R right now and it's nice to be able to have it available on every computer I use. And of course Rev runs well there, even though I've set my netbook up with Ubuntu.

I used to use the standard Ubuntu for my netbook until I discovered the Ubunutu Netbook Remix, optimized in both architecture and UI for netbooks - you can learn more about it here:

You may find Ubuntu more Mac-like than Windows, but there are plenty of Windows-based netbooks as well if you prefer, and pretty much all netbooks are dirt cheap (usually between US$300 and US$500).

And you can not only run Rev on a netbook, you can use the IDE as well. I've enjoyed many a cappuccino while coding at my corner bakery. :)

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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