Le 19 avr. 10 à 03:13, J. Landman Gay a écrit :
In the script, shift+right arrow moves to card 1 of next bg,
shift+left arrow goes to last card of previous bg. This works now,
but stops when it gets to the fourth bg either way. Is there a way to
make it keep going, as in a loop, repeating the cycle,
It should work identically to HC. The only thing I can think of is
that some other key-related handler is blocking arrowkey messages on
that bg. So check the script in bg 4 for any key-related things.
Haroldo, here in my stack "Testing Haroldo'script ;-)) (4 Bgs with 3
cards each) it'is exactly what I get with your script: shift+left
arrow (or shift+right arrow) keeps repeating the cycle
1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4...etc (or the reverse respectively).
In other words, when on first card of bg 4, shift+right arrow go to
first card of bg 1 and when on last card of bg 1, shift+left arrow go
to last card of bg 4
Best regards from Grenoble
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