On 31/05/2010 20:46, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Andre Garzia wrote:

I think the market for Rev and Linux is not an end user market, like selling to users but creating custom software for enterprise and organizations and
all the web stuff such as RevServer.

In the future and Linux gets even more widespread, creating commercial linux tools might be a good option. 2D Boy proved that you can sell linux games and sell a lot (of course world of goo is a cross platform game, but they
sold a lot of linux licenses anyway)

Currently, Linux is at the pre-tipping-point stage characterized by this catch-22 as a key contributing factor: end-users want more apps on Linux before they switch, and developers want to see more end-users on Linux before they deploy.

An example of this dynamic was provided by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols of Computerworld recently:

   Ubuntu wants Adobe, even if Apple doesn't
   Canonical marketing manager Gerry Carr told me that "in a recent
   survey we did of the Ubuntu User base where we got 32,000 plus
   responses, Adobe Photoshop as a potential application for Ubuntu
   got a 3.52 rating out of 5 being the second most popular
   potential app after Skype."

Umm . . .

I cannot quite see what the advantages of Adobe Photoshop are now that we have GIMP and


between the 2 of them I think they have Photoshop just about "sewn up".

I am not trying to run down the idea of commercial software on Linux; but I would like to point out that the fact that the vast majority of Linux distros are FREE does tend to set up users to expect everything that follows to be free, and, where adequate substitutes that are free exist, tend to choose them over commercial ones; both from financial considerations and from the "everything should be free" mentality that Linux (and even more, everybody's favourite hairy nutcase: Stallman) pushes people towards.

The most important bit of what I wrote above is:

"where adequate substitutes that are free exist"

and there's the rub: there will be a race for commercial developers to plug perceived niches where a demand exists but an Open Source / Free solution does not exist; followed by an Open Source / Free equivalent hard on its heels. The 'trick', if indeed there is a trick at all, is to find a niche which won't be plugged directly after your commercial offering by an O-S/free alternative which will make you go rajj because of all the time, R&D and effort you put into your 'thing' for the peanuts you get paid before one of "Saint Richard Stallman's" acolytes
get you by the "small and curlies".

I, myself, run my Macintosh on the basis of the software that comes with the system install DVD, Open Source / FREE stuff, and RunRev (which I paid for, only because there is no adequate substitute and I cannot find a suitable (FREE) anti-addiction programme to get me off it): Now
part of the reason for this is:

a. I cannot afford much commercial software,

b. I feel slightly queasy about using pirate software (although it would be disingenuous to say
     I have never used it; age does funny things with one's morals),

c. I can see absolutely NO reason at all to shell out hard-earned money for
    anything unless no other choice exists.


I do believe that Linux might be about to tip: in fact I hope it is.

However, I don't think this means that all those people who "suddenly" stop using Windows and Mac, will "suddenly" be digging deep into their wallets for costly programs such as
the Adobe suite.

I believe something different will happen:

1. Apple and Microsoft will have to completely rethink and rearrange their way of doing things;
both need to iron out some of the warts in their operating systems.

Windows, for a start, is going to have to be so much better than Linux that users are going to put up with viruses, and on top of the OS, shell out monthly fees for anti-virus sofware.
  Mind you, it escapes me why people do now: just run ReactOS:


2. The commercial 'majors' will have to radically cut their pricing structure, and make sure
that their offerings are killer apps.

I am sure, should Linux 'tip', this will NOT result in a Stallmanesque heaven, where there is pie in the sky and endless free beer (well, even if only because I want to pay for RunRev 5!),
but a more mixed system, with a freer sort of competition.

I also hope, that to buy a laptop without anybody's OS preinstalled will not involve a hunt
across 3 continents . . .  :)


Quite apart from my, probably, ill-informed speculations; I do know that RunRev have to look to their Linux version and sort it out lickety-split, less they lose out to others.
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