On 06/13/2010 01:09 AM, G. Wolfgang Gaich wrote:
Hello Richmond,

I tested to use all installed fonts on Ubuntu 10.04 with rev. No problem.


set the textfont of fld "/field/" to "/fontname/"

I can use all available fonts.

Only the function fontnames() does not return all the fonts.

But you can get a list of fontnames with

put shell("fc-list") into tTempFontsList
set the itemdel to ":"
repeat for each line tL in tTempFontsList
   set the itemdel to ":"
   put item 1 of tL into tL2
   set the itemdel to ","
   put item 1 of tL2 & cr after tFontsList
end repeat
delete char -1 of tFontsList

If you want to install a user font then copy it into /home/<user>/.fonts/truetype/
and in console type:

>  sudo fc-cache

Now you can use that font with rev.



Wow! Thanks so much.

Hey; Alcibiades . . . take note of this one . . .  :)
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