On 07/07/2010 07:20 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 9:12:50 AM, you wrote:

I don't suppose one should expect TOO much for $49.
Er...<cough>... but aren't you the one who's always extolling the
virtues of *free* software?

Yes; I do extoll the virtues of free software; and I have released some
free software myself - it comes "as is". I was only able to release that
because I do not depend on software sales for my bread and cheese.

Now, once one moves away from the free software model we are in different territory;
and I don't think the 2 really overlap.

I will be releasing a commercial variant of my free software in mid to late August; mainly because the cost of bread and cheese is going up faster than my non-software income . . . :) And, to tell the truth, because I have had a 34 year fantasy that one day I
might be a "real" computer programmer who lives off his work.

If we examine RunRev; its model starts with a free version, revMedia, which is supported by 2 commercial variants of the same thing - it is marvellous insofar
as everybody can "come to the table"; but those who want a glass of wine
and a side-dish have to pay. As the glass of wine and so on is really considerably
more than revMedia they have to pay quite a lot.

Of course there is NO SUCH THING as free software; all people who write software have to eat; there are, however, various ways in which they can get their food. In my own case my 'free' software is 'paid for' by the parents who send their children to my
EFL school (if only they knew . . .).

As soon as I see software that is not 'free' (i.e. the end-user is expected to pay for something) I suspect that the programmer may be expecting to live fully or partly from software revenues.

If that is so, and the cost of bread-and-cheese is anything like what it is in Bulgaria they are
going to have to shift a lot of units at $49 a pop.

OR; some people have done a "quick-n-dirty" to see if 'the fish will bite', and if so, they can invest considerably more time and effort in 'version 2' for which they
will charge considerably more money.


Pretentious or what?
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