On 07/16/2010 07:27 PM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:
If anyone wants to follow along with Slackware, this is where to get the
isos.  Only the first three CDs should be needed.


Be aware though, this is not exactly Linux as she is known today, this is
not the land of graphical installers, automatic and safe disk partitioning
and automatic dependency checks.  This is the command line and editing
config files.  Kind of fun to get back to it.  I am proposing to shrink the
partitions on my usual machine and do a clean install into free space, then
get going.


And what, pray tell, is the point of that? unless to demonstrate hairy-chestedness.

Surely RunRev 4 needs to function on the Linux distros of 'today'; rather like RunRev 4
doesn't work on Mac OS 10.2; a Mac OS of 'yesterday'.

And, frankly. I doubt that many users and would-be users of RunRev on Linux can be bothered to mess around with the sort of thing I successfully trashed alsorts of
machines with in 1999!

Wouldn't it be sensible to find a 2 year old 'general' Linux rather than going back to
the future?

Let's say a Debian release from mid-2008 ????
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