On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Peter Alcibiades
<palcibiades-fi...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> If anyone wants to follow along with Slackware, this is where to get the
> isos.  Only the first three CDs should be needed.
> http://spheniscus.uio.no/pub/linux/slackware/slackware-13.1-iso/
> Be aware though, this is not exactly Linux as she is known today, this is
> not the land of graphical installers, automatic and safe disk partitioning
> and automatic dependency checks.  This is the command line and editing
> config files.  <snip>

I remember the days all too well... and although very interesting at
the time, I can't attest that they were all that pleasant in many

> Kind of fun to get back to it.

Fun I believe, is a matter subject to personal interpretation. ;-)
Sorry, but I think I'm gonna pass this time around.
Good luck and happy compiling from the terminal!

Best regards,
David C.
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