Nice use of big words and phrases. I am overwhelmed. :-) But it still doesn't 
get around to addressing the issue that you leave Steve no means of redeeming 
himself, or "making things right". I find this approach extremely "dictatorial" 
in it's own right, and Steve never even told you he LIKED you, never mind that 
he wanted to go beyond a first date! <pokes Richmond in the ribs with his own 
"stick of redirection".> 

A old wise old professor named A. E. Wilder-Smith (6 earned doctorates and 
countless lectures and debates under his belt) once told me that it's no good 
leaving an opponent in a debate without a way of escape. "We are trying to win 
minds, not arguments." he would say. I've had to really bite my tongue at times 
to try to follow that advice throughout my life. 

And by the way, your use of words to paint the picture of Steve Jobs as a 
ravening wolf is certainly very skilled, but reminds me of the unsavory 
practice of the modern media, of finding the most unflattering photos of a 
politician they really dislike, and only then printing those amidst words that 
describe what the politician in the photo might be like, instead of treating 
the facts of the article with the objectiveness they claim for themselves. Just 
an observation. 


On Sep 13, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Richmond wrote:

> Jolly forgiving of you. This presupposes that Apple (which may be so 
> 'managed' that 'Apple' is nothing
> but short-hand for 'Steve Jobs' - I don't know) has made some sort of 
> 'mistake'; howver, you can be
> sure that that is far from the truth; the whole thing is a manipulative trick 
> to set everybody's teeth on
> edge and so that they feel grateful to Steve Jobs (who is nothing more or 
> less than a big 'B'; you have to
> be a big 'B' to run such a company) when in fact he has done nothing for 
> anyone beyond his firm.
> I am 'sorry' to tell you that my wife and I enjoy a rather different sort of 
> relationship than business partners.
> For starters, I don't have a desperate urge to continually dominate her and 
> squash her; luckily, should I ever
> have a dictatorial moment she is quite capable of defending her own 
> interests. "Mutual respect" is the first
> phrase that springs to mind.
> Developers who wish to use RevMobile to make stuff for the iPhone or the iPad 
> are NOT married to
> Steve Jobs (the mind boggles); or even in some sort of conjugal arrangement.
> Let us reflect on the Brahma-Vaivarta Purana, and Sri Krsna's "relationships" 
> with his 1008 lovers there,
> and the way he behaved towards them before we start elevating Steve Jobs to 
> the post of paramour in chief. Presumably there are at least 1008 developers 
> out there wanting to develop stuff for iPhone/Pad who had their
> *********s bitten off by Steve. The fact that having "pooed" all over those 
> developers, and he now comes
> "cap in hand" to graciously (Uriah Heep-like) allow them back inside the 
> 'magic circle' is no reason to
> forgive or forget; the wolf has bitten and the bite marks should serve as a 
> lasting warning that we are
> dealing with a wolf.
> Kevin, presumably, having kept his head above water in the cut-throat world 
> of computer programming
> (hey, guess why I went into developing stuff for writing Sanskrit; not that 
> much competition) for quite some
> time, is not half as naive as that 'nice photo' on the RunRev website would 
> have us believe. I, for one, do
> not believe that every night from now on, just before he goes to bed, he is 
> down on his knees sending
> prayers of thanks to Sri Sri Sri 108 Steve Jobs for graciously stooping to 
> cast his darshan on RunRev.
> Kevin, is probably, waiting for whatever nasty move one of the major players 
> makes next. I am so very,
> very glad it is him, not me.
> Of course this is why I will keep 'needling' Kevin about stuff such as Linux, 
> Haiku (gosh, I wish they would
> speed up - Andre ?????), MorphOS, ReactOS (there's another one struggling to 
> get off the runway) and so on; where, despite other unpredictable factors
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pause for one of Richmond;'s silly stories [skip this if you have had enough 
> of these].
> Waiting for a train from Luton to Central London this year I heard an 
> announcement:
> "The train at 14.25 has been cancelled owing to there being no member of 
> staff qualified to drive it."
> Open Source has those sorts of moments sometimes.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> there is a shortage of dictatorial types such as Jobs, Gates and Ballmer.
> On 9/13/10 7:39 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> Personally, I hate being in a damned if you do/damned if you don't 
>> situation. If someone makes a mistake in judgement or treats me unfairly, 
>> but later relents, I think it's my part to forgive them and move on. I think 
>> if I were married to someone and she was so unhappy that nothing I did 
>> seemed to please her, I would tell her that she just needs to move on. I 
>> don't think it's any different in business relationships.
>> Bob
>> On Sep 10, 2010, at 8:54 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
>>> Jacque,
>>> It occurred to me today that Apple has actually pissed off (can I say that?)
>>> both sides of developers now. Originally, there were the XCode devs and the
>>> 'others.' Of course XCoders didn't mind, and many were openly happy the
>>> 'others' were getting the boot. "More for ME," they chimed with knowing wink
>>> and a smile. Many defended Apple by citing the protection of the platform's
>>> integrity, first to market advantage, and lack of proper API support, etc..
>>> They were on Apple's side fanning away.
>>> Now, with the change, it seems like both sides would be disappointed. I know
>>> as a frustrated developer BEFORE, I'm not any more of an Apple fan just
>>> because they change their mind like a newborn changes diapers. Heck, their
>>> fickleness cost me business.
>>> But, what about all the poor Xcode developers and Apple apologists who
>>> vigorously defended? I would think they might be a bit upset-- or at least
>>> now think twice before jumping on any license grenade for Apple's sake
>>> again.
>>> I guess what I'm saying here, is even if SJ likes the developers, I'm not at
>>> all sure he's as loved as he once may have been.
>>> On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 3:32 PM, J. Landman 
>>> Gay<>wrote:
>>>> When everything fell through this last spring, an ex-Apple employee told me
>>>> he thought Apple would reverse its decision because, while the customers
>>>> don't matter as much to Steve Jobs, the developers absolutely do. He
>>>> predicted that developers would leave and Jobs would notice.
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