On 10/1/10 9:04 AM, Gregory Lypny wrote:
Hi everyone,

Page 236 of the LiveCode user guide says that arrays cannot be stored as single 
custom properties.  Can anyone confirm this please?  The reason I ask is that I 
thought that I had read in a past Rev newsletter that it was now possible, but 
I may be mistaken.

I'm developing an app in LiveCode and have been saving uni-dimensional arrays 
as single customs props without apparent problems; however, it may be another 
story with multi-dimensional arrays.

For multi-dimensional arrays you need arrayEncode() and arrayDecode():

put "ice cream" into aMyFoods["favorites"]["desserts"]["cold"]
set the uMyFoods of stack "dataContainer" to arrayEncode(aMyFoods)



Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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