On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 06:18 AM, Brian K. Maher wrote:

answer warning "<font face='Lucida Grande' size='13'><b>message text</b><br><br></font><font face='Lucida Grande' size='11'>informative text</font>" with "Continue" as sheet

from the docs:

If the prompt contains <p> or a start/end tag pair, the answer command assumes the text is in the same format as the htmlText property. Otherwise, the answer command assumes the text is plain text.

I got this to work:
answer warning "<p><font size=18>message text</font></p><br><br><font face=Arial size=12>informative text</font></br></br>" with "Continue" as sheet

I dropped the single quote marks. I nested the "<p></p>" tags. Empty space in attributes are not allowed in SGML and consequently HTML. I'm not sure about Transcript. I'm thinking that setting the answer textFont to Lucida Grande first, somehow might make multiple fonts available.


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