Mark, I didn't quite get what you had in mind. I have tried (similar to Brian's original post):

answer warning "<p><font face = Lucida Grande size = 13><b>Message text</b></f><p><font face = Lucida Grande size = 11>Informative text</f></p>" with Continue as sheet

because, according to Aqua HUI, the message text has to be bold Lucida Grande 13 and informative text has to be regular Lucida Grande 11. The styling of the informative text, however, ends up being regular Lucida Grande 13.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

All best,

Am Montag, 18.08.03 um 18:43 Uhr schrieb Mark Brownell:

I got this to work:
answer warning "<p><font size=18>message text</font></p><br><br><font face=Arial size=12>informative text</font></br></br>" with "Continue" as sheet

I'm thinking that setting the answer textFont to Lucida Grande first, somehow might make multiple fonts available.

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