On Nov 2, 2003, at 4:27 AM, Carsten Levin wrote:

Yes, it is in Bugzilla, we reported it apx. 3 weeks ago, later got a response that it is solved (but the solution is probably not in the present download).
You write that you dont understand the problem ...:
"the directory"/"the defaultfolder"/"the current folder" (i dont know why there are so many words for the same) is usually set to the path of the Revolution Application or the Revolution Runtime/exe file running the application.
It is always the case on Mac OS.
On Windows XP it is so, but only when running in development-mode. When running in non-dev mode it is different. When doubleclicking the name.rev file it is set to the path to this file. On Windows 98 it is in come cases set to C:/.
Sorry for not explaining this better in the first mail.
This inconsistense/bug causes the solutions to fail if you have desided to put some common libraries or graphics file in the folder containing the Revolution application or runtime.
You should probably see it as a problem when a development tool starts to use its fundamental parts in random.

But as I wrote in the first report ... I am confident that RunRev knows about this and that it will be solved soon.

It does not appear to be fixed yet. I wouldn't be so confident until it's marked fixed in bugzilla.

<http://runrev.com/revolution/developers/bugdatabase/show_bug.cgi? id=793>

This is the command I have been using on startup to resolve the defaultFolder. Can anyone tell me if this bug 793 is going to effect me?

-- fixDefaultFolder
on fixDefaultFolder
  put the fileName of this stack into tFileName
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"
  get item 1 to -2 of tFileName
  set the defaultFolder to it
end fixDefaultFolder

Alex Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Mindlube Software | <http://mindlube.com>

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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