On Saturday, December 20, 2003, at 03:40 AM, Malte Brill wrote:

As for other people's programming, how about including Yibbah, if
that's OK with Malte.

Definitely OK. ;-)

Please let us know what you collected when you´re finished Dar.

Where do I find this? ...whatever it is...

I think we are going to a Christmas story book for the main creation, though I want to throw other apps in. Because of time limitations, I'll probably use my "Primer" foundation. I can then give credit to gadgets at the end.

It would be cooler to have a book look with a windowShape border, but I am limited in time. Maybe I can try windowShape to cut a hole in a window illustration. That way, if it does not work on some platforms, it won't break things. I'm not sure what problems I will have with the title bar and windowShape, though; maybe I will have to lose the title bar.

This can be a silly story that includes photos, pictures and other things about family around the world.

I'm thinking of including my loupe in an illustration.

Anybody have clocks (analog and seven-segments)? Maybe I can have clocks work in the time-zone of the illustration.

Dialtone and DTMF sounds for an imaginary phone? Maybe I can allow dialing 9 to get to the real world and dial via modem.

What is a good site for clip art and sounds?

What gadgets might I include in illustrations?
What silly things might this book do?


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