> I am currently using "start using" and "insert the script of" 
> syntax and evaluating the pros and cons of each.  However, my 
> question is one of larger scope I would like to be able to 
> extend the language/standard library itself.  With many other 
> languages there exists a facilities to extend the language.  
> Via classes in the case of C++, objects in the case of Java 
> and Small-talk, and WORDS in the case of FORTH.  I have even 
> built objects  in FORTH (similar to MOPS).  It is my hope 
> that we as developers can further the language and it's 
> success.  With such constructs this would be simple and allow 
> a amazing flexibility.

Kevin, what your asking for is not currently available to developers
(AFAIK). This would need to be built in by the RunRev engineers to
enable this kind of language extension. There has been a lot of talk
about extending the capabilities of the product, so you're certainly
welcome to ask for this enhancement (there's a place on Bugzilla for
that if you didn't already know), but people are using libraries to add
centralized handlers and functions to either the IDE or to their
deployed applications.

>  Just another small note.  The "start using" syntax refers to 
> a "stack" not a "file" the stack must be "in memory" in my 
> understanding.  I would like to create a "#include" that 
> would solve these dependicies without developer/inteligent 
> intervention. Thus removing the most problematic variable 
> from the equation (human error).

Actually, this is not true. If you do:

on preOpenStack
  start using "libMyStuff.mc"
end preOpenStack

It simply looks for a stack with that name in the current directory and
then loads it as a library. The stack doesn't have to be already open
and in memory to be able to "library" it.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/ 

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