Moin, Dar,

Are you suggesting that there be versions branch for every upgrade, that is, that bugs found for 9.1.1 be fixed even after the company has released 10.0.0?

I am afraid this is leading into a dead cycle.

I am not "Runrev". I cannot tell Runrev how to handle their versioning. All I can say is that it is "common" in the software market (at least that part that I know) to fix bugs in "actual versions" and not leaving customers alone in the dark by simply pushing a version number up, urging them (the customers) to buy an upgrade where they (still the customers) only need a bugfix ("update"). Even the most-hated company Microsoft is supporting "ancient" versions of their software according to its lifetime definitions. I am NOT INTERESTED in version numbers at all! I can even live with many ways how to NAME a version.

If your question should not be meant towards the NAMING but the SUPPORT: Yes, I expect a company to do its best to support recent versions according to their version lifetime policy. I do expect a company to make it perfectly clear that you have to FREQUENTLY pay a specific amount of money to be allowed to receive BUGFIXES, if this is the policy of the company. If it is not, I expect the company to support V9. of their product even if they have just released V10. Again: It is not the NAMING I am interested in. It is simply partnership. As a developer I intend to concentrate on MY products, not on the products I use to develop them. If a product I use to develop my own stuff is faulty, I expect the supplier of that tool to help - otherwise I would fall back to using pirated copies (which I have given up many many years ago).

Once again I have to explain that I do not intend to criticise (sp?) anyone (including Runrev), I was simply puzzled by some remarks on this list. And naturally, if I find the will to get used to Transcript and if I find bugs that need to be fixed, I will try my best to help Runrev to fix the bugs. AND I do expect free updates that fix the bugs I helped pointing out - of course. I really hope this is not taken as an offence!

Sorry for having been so long again. I really find it hard to explain my basic understanding of the development universe :-) I am not alone with this understanding of how the world is spinning - if I was I would simply shut up, watch the list and giggle where necessary. But there should be a difference between "Open Source puzzle your own stuff and leave us alone" projects and commercial partnerships. I am paying for a tool. If the tool is faulty, I expect it to be repaired FOR FREE. If I need an UPGRADE (a tool with more bells and whistles) I am going to pay for that as well. But I am not going to pay for the hammer head, if I have bought a hammer and find out it does not come with a head.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Marc Albrecht
A.C.T. / Level-2
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