I agree with you about RunRev's support and also cringe about jumping in but I think the second comment deserves response because I think this is somewhat behind some of the carping:

You may wish they were more bug free but in fact developer products are more complicated and function at lower levels than user software and as a consequence have, in my 30 years of using such software, consistently been MORE buggy, not less than consumer products. There is no way for Revolution to ever even approach being bug free and it is unrealistic for anyone hear to think there is an obligation by RunRev to make bug fixes available forever for free just because there are bugs.

I think I should clarify, because you make a very good point. What I meant to express is that developer tools need bug fixes to be even more _important_, not that they realistically end up with a smaller actual number of bugs.

I don't think anyone is suggesting forever support. We're talking about fixing 2.1 just a little more despite the oncoming release of 2.2, right? 2.1 has not reached maturity with regards to bug fixes, and I think more than a few are just scared that it never will and that this will be a repeating pattern.

If we're talking bottom line, I hate to put it this way... but I've been using xTalks for 10+ years and bought every single release of Hypercard, Supercard and Metacard/Rev along the way- every single one... except for Rev 2.1. I'm on the fence for 2.2. New features are buggy, and bugs are outstanding on old features.

Rev is still a very solid product (if you want to know how I really feel about it, just consider that I spend a lot of time on these lists even though I haven't done any commercial Rev work in more than 6 months). But some of us are scared that it's slipping.

Like I said before, I'm going to look at 2.2 and 2.3 with an open mind, and let RunRev's work speak for itself. But I think the concern is very valid- none of the principles of business or comparisons to other tools or anything else in this thread sways me from the reality that in day-to-day use, Rev is less reliable than I want it to be today.


- Brian

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