
Everyday language is what I need. I want to learn this but at present don't want to take on a large project to do so. But if I thought there was a roadmap to follow that was straight forward then I just might. A step by step approach would be great.

Thank you

On Apr 21, 2004, at 11:37 AM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

Hello Tom,

On Apr 21, 2004, at 10:33 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

I won't tell you to shut up if you are willing to compile all that you
are learning about this and 'post' it somewhere in a logical sensible
way. That way I can follow your path and learn to do it when my need
arises (I know it will).

It's a deal, provided that you don't mind it being written in everyday language.

I think the lack of docs on it are because it involves a lot more than just REV knowledge. Maybe you can be the one to put this all down. You seem to be very articulate.

There's OS-specific stuff, I'm sure; but what it comes down to is instructing your web server to execute text files in some cgi folder, and those in turn communicating with Revolution and returning information to a web page. I'm sure that if this was posted in step-by-step format on a support page hosted by the Revolution, it would save users a lot of searching and trial-and-error.


Looking forward,


Which was in response to my request:

Well, don't hesitate to tell me to shut up if you've had enough of my
posts on this. I'm a little bewildered and frustrated that
Revolution's documentation and web site doesn't contain anything, at
least as far as I can tell, about setting up Revolution as a CGI. I
know about Andre Garcia's slick server project, and he's given me some
excellent tips. But I need to experiment with some basic cgi scripting
first, and all I need is the basic set up.

These are the instructions that I found at Takaaki Furukawa's site:

"Rename the engine to "revolution" (if you'd like). Put the engine in
the same directory as license.rev, and give the permission to execute.
(chmod +x revolution)".

My skull is really thick, so please humour me. Is the engine the
actual Revolution application (package) which resides in the Revolution
2.2 folder which resides in my Applications folder? Otherwise, I don't
know what the engine is. Do I simply then open the Terminal
application and enter "chmod +x revoution"? Do I save my cgi scripts
in .../WebServer/CGI-Executables? As for my own system, I do have Web
Sharing turned on.

Any assistance would be most appreciated.

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Thomas J. McGrath III SCS 1000 Killarney Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412-885-8541

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