
I think I have found the problem and also have a work-around to the problem of the Spurious Save File Dialog.

From looking at some of the thread from yesterday:

> I went digging through the IDE scripts, and found that
 the global gREVStackSTatus isn' saved inside a custom
 property or anything ; hence you must be doing
 something that triggers the change to "edited" status
 ; in fact, it's enough to click in a field and not
 even change anything, to chnge the status, since an
 'openField' message will effectively change the stack
 status to "edited" if I read the revFrontscript

That's not good... a stack isn't "dirty" unless something has changed in it, and simply clicking in a field doesn't change anything.

I hope this is fixed in the next release...

Ok, it's a bit worse than that, it seems that the "openField" message gets sent just because the field is "Focusable" not because the user clicked in it, I am guessing that it gets sent to the first "Focusable" field of a card, although I just cannot figure out why this happens in one stack and not another! Anyone know?

Anyway, the work-around is to include this in the Script for the Field:

on openField
  save this stack
  pass openField
end openField

Which finally stops the Save File Dialog from appearing!

Anyone have a better work-around than this? Also I am not sure if this is the best thing to do, since does cause an extra save operation whenever the field is "entered".

All the Best

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